understanding PFAS

Understanding PFAS: What You Need to Know To Stay Healthy

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made chemicals found in many everyday products due to their water and grease resistant properties. Despite their practicality PFAS can pose risks to both our health and the environment. Here’s a simple guide to understanding these chemicals and how to avoid them.

What Are PFAS?

Think of PFAS as a family of chemicals with a unique structure that makes them incredibly stable and hard to break down, which is why they’re called 'forever chemicals.' They’ve been used in various products for decades, so they’re everywhere now, from the soil under our feet to the water we drink.

The Structure of PFAS

PFAS are made up of a carbon chain with fluorine atoms attached, kind of like a spine with arms. This configuration renders them robust and long lasting ideal for repelling liquids like water and oil. Visualise a raincoat—that's essentially how PFAS function.

Where You Might Find PFAS

PFAS are commonly found in non-stick cookware, food packaging, water-resistant clothing, carpets, and firefighting foams. Because they are commonly used we can encounter them in ways; through our diet the air we breathe and the objects we handle daily.

Health Risks Linked to PFAS

Immune System Issues

PFAS can disrupt our immune system, making it harder for us to fight off infections. It’s like having an umbrella with holes in it—not very effective when you need it most.

Cancer Concerns

There is evidence suggesting that PFAS may elevate the risk of cancers like kidney and testicular cancer. While more research is needed, the concern is that PFAS could be like unwelcome guests that overstay their welcome and cause trouble.

Impact on Children

PFAS can affect children’s development, resulting in birth weights and developmental challenges. It’s like giving a plant the wrong kind of water—it doesn’t grow as well.

Environmental Impact

Water Contamination

PFAS have polluted many water sources, especially near industrial sites and military bases.It's like having a dye that spreads throughout water uncontrollably and is difficult to clean up affecting both humans and wildlife.

Soil and Air Pollution

PFAS linger in soil and can be released into the air, perpetuating the contamination cycle. It’s like dealing with glitter that never goes away no matter how much you try to clean it up.

What Is Being Done About PFAS?

Governments have started taking steps to regulate and prohibit PFAS chemicals. They are also establishing guidelines on the levels of PFAS in drinking water to ensure our safety. However, it's important to note that there is no safe level of PFAS in the body and these chemicals are bioaccumulative, meaning they build up over time and remain in our systems.

How to Reduce Your Exposure

At Home

You can reduce PFAS exposure by choosing PFAS-free products, avoiding non-stick cookware and consuming PFAS-free drinking water. Additionally, switching to mineral-rich alkaline water, such as ãlkalife, ensures you're drinking clean, PFAS-free water that supports overall health. ãlkalife provides essential minerals that can enhance your wellbeing while protecting you from harmful chemicals. It’s available in various sizes conveniently delivered to your home, so your family has access to healthy drinking water free of harmful chemicals. Take action today to safeguard your health by choosing ãlkalife today. Check out our range below.

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